Los Angeles Section
Sacramento Section
San Diego Section
San Francisco Section

Please select the category or categories that you believe your project could fall under. Click the link to view a description of each award category. Select as many categories as might apply. This will allow us to consider your project for recognition under multiple categories.

Outstanding Airports and Ports Project
Outstanding Architectural Engineering Project
Outstanding Bikeways and Trails Project
Outstanding Bridge Project
Outstanding Community Improvement Project
Outstanding Construction Project
Outstanding Energy Project
Outstanding Environmental Engineering Project
Outstanding Flood Management Project
Outstanding Geotechnical Project
Outstanding Historical Renovation Project
Outstanding Parks and Recreation Project
Outstanding Roadway and Highway Project
Outstanding Seismic Retrofit Project
Outstanding Small Project
Outstanding Structural Engineering Project
Outstanding Sustainable Engineering Project
Outstanding Transportation Project
Outstanding Urban or Land Development Project
Outstanding Water Project
Outstanding Water/Wastewater Treatment Project
Project Summary Information (exactly as it will appear on a plaque and in announcements)
Project Owner (Owner 1)
Project Owner (Owner 2)
Project Construction Contractor (1)
Project Construction Contractor (2)
Project Engineer of Record
Project Information

Additional Information
Additional FileLabel
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Nominator (Sponsor) Information (must be an ASCE member)